
2021年09月12日 18:15

有一位名叫Craig Kelly的议员,
Craig Kelly除了是联邦的独立议员之外,他还是一个坚定的反疫苗接种者。



在过去的几个月里,Craig Kelly都在抓紧一切机会抵制疫苗【相关阅读:纪录片:恐怖的疫苗真相之谜】接种。


Craig Kelly第一时间投票支持!



活动的组织者之一就是Craig Kelly,他还在集会上发言表示,一定会在国会上发言,阐述侵犯,尽一切可能去阻止这项规定颁布。

再早一些,从澳洲开始宣布接种疫苗时,Craig Kelly就开始在社交媒体上,在接受采访时多次公开表态:反对强制疫苗接种!认为澳洲的疫苗护照侵犯了人们的自由人权!


Australian Parliament : Introduction of Bill. Dedicated to the truck drivers of the nation.

Introduction of Bill : No Requirement for Medical Treatment (Including Vaccination) Without Consent (Implementing Article 6 of the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights) Bill 2021

This Bill is dedicated to the truck drivers of the nation who have had their freedoms stolen and are about to lose their jobs because they refuse to submit to a forced medical intervention

Australian Parliament : Introduction of Bill. Dedicated to the truck drivers of the nation.

Disgrace in the Australian Parliament. MP’s conspire to shut down free speech

Craig Kelly MP attempted to debate Australian medical researchers innovation and discovery of uses for Ivermectin, but is silenced by MP’s that want the facts censored.

A HISTORIC DAY: Labor/Liberal both vote FOR Domestic Covid Vaccine Passports in Federal Parliament

Let history record that on 2nd September 2021, both the Liberal and Labor parties voted in favour of Domestic Covid Vaccine Passports in the Australian Federal Parliament.
Only the Member for Dawson, George Christensen cross the Floor to vote for Craig Kelly, Leader of the United Australia Party.
The United Australia Party stands alone in supporting protecting Australian’s FREEDOM.